Saturday, February 10, 2018

High Impact Teacher of the Year

It is my privilege to be named the TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) High Impact 2018 Teacher of the year.  Because the uses and types of computer applications are rapidly changing in our world, I continually strive to improve my Computer Science and Information Technology curriculum and instructional methods.

I first learned about TCEA at the ISTE 2017 Conference in San Antonio, Texas.  As I mingled and listened to other teachers talk about the sessions they attended, there was a recurring theme that TCEA sessions were some of the best.  After returning home from ISTE, I received an invitation to join TCEA at a discounted rate, so I gladly joined.

As my days grew busy getting ready for the opening of a new school year, I made it priority to read newsletters that focus on topics that will helpful for the improvement of my curriculum.  I found TCEA news to be a good investment of my reading and professional development time.

When I saw the TCEA description of a high impact teacher, I knew that I fit that description.  Our Admissions Director, Sally Drea, and I gathered evidence, wrote a description of my program and projects and submitted an application.  The nomination is as follows:

Lynn Koresh works to solve real-world problems and make worldwide connections through technology. Lynn incorporates cutting-edge lessons into her daily teaching.  Notable projects include an interdisciplinary 3-D car project, global collaborations, augmented reality, and video game design. Additionally, she manages selection and implementation of school software.

  • Global Ed. Conference, “Little ol' Me Sharing Global Collaboration Experiences”
  • ISTE Poster Sessions
  • WEMTA, “Be a Game Star
  • Games & Learning Conference, Panel Discussion

Digital Citizenship/Collaborative Projects
  • JDO Foundation
  • Level Up Village, Global Inventors & Global Game Designers
  • Flat Connections, Building Bridges & Digiteen Project Manager
  • Partners:  UK, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Bahrain, Mexico, Ghana, India, Nicaragua, Palestine  

Lynn’s pioneering endeavors resulted in receiving the National Innovations in Catholic Education 2015 - 2016 NICE Award in the category “Recognition for an Innovative Project Facilitated by Technology.”  Her programming sets the pace for her peers and our students.

I am very pleased to receive the recogin as a High Impact Teacher.