I first learned about TCEA at the ISTE 2017 Conference in San Antonio, Texas. As I mingled and listened to other teachers talk about the sessions they attended, there was a recurring theme that TCEA sessions were some of the best. After returning home from ISTE, I received an invitation to join TCEA at a discounted rate, so I gladly joined.

When I saw the TCEA description of a high impact teacher, I knew that I fit that description. Our Admissions Director, Sally Drea, and I gathered evidence, wrote a description of my program and projects and submitted an application. The nomination is as follows:
Lynn Koresh works to solve real-world problems and make worldwide connections through technology. Lynn incorporates cutting-edge lessons into her daily teaching. Notable projects include an interdisciplinary 3-D car project, global collaborations, augmented reality, and video game design. Additionally, she manages selection and implementation of school software.
- Global Ed. Conference, “Little ol' Me Sharing Global Collaboration Experiences”
- ISTE Poster Sessions
- WEMTA, “Be a Game Star”
- Games & Learning Conference, Panel Discussion
Digital Citizenship/Collaborative Projects
- JDO Foundation
- Level Up Village, Global Inventors & Global Game Designers
- Flat Connections, Building Bridges & Digiteen Project Manager
- Partners: UK, Poland, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Bahrain, Mexico, Ghana, India, Nicaragua, Palestine
Lynn’s pioneering endeavors resulted in receiving the National Innovations in Catholic Education 2015 - 2016 NICE Award in the category “Recognition for an Innovative Project Facilitated by Technology.” Her programming sets the pace for her peers and our students.
I am very pleased to receive the recogin as a High Impact Teacher.